Home » Grants » Recreation and Leisure Grant

Recreation and Leisure Grant

Grant Description

The North End Recreation & Leisure Fund’s purpose is to support informal groups of individuals and North End community residents investing in their neighborhoods by: 

  • Supporting initiatives that build social capital 
  • Developing neighborhood capacity, stability, well-being and increasing Community Economic Development possibilities

Scope of North End Recreation & Leisure Fund:

The North End Recreation & Leisure Fund provides a $500 grant for residents of the North End. This fund will grant a recipient funding by way of their nearest Residents Associations or organizations of reputable status, who will take on the role of acting administrators for the money.

How to Apply?

Please submit applications to Deana at deana@necrc.org

Who Can Apply

The North End Rec & Leisure Fund Eligibility: 

  • Non-incorporated groups of individuals that are working to improve their respective neighbourhoods. 
  • Informal groups or individuals not operating on behalf of organizations or established groups, including those organizations with a designated charitable number.  *Partnerships with Residents Associations or reputable organizations (for administration purposes only) are mandatory and do not apply to this stipulation.
  • Individuals seen as leaders in their respective neighborhoods and communities.”

Application Deadlines

The deadline is on-going.

Required Documents

Contact Information 

Location Address: 

North End Community Renewal Corporation 
509 Selkirk Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R2W 2M6


(204) 927-2330




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